Winter Knuckle Rollon Combo

This combo is especially wonderful if you live in a windy dry climate! Around the area that I live, people often get what I call 'Colorado Glove' which basically means the dry winter air sucks the life out of your hands, making them red from the wrist down (particularly if you don't have any patience and end up washing your hands in freezing cold water!  You can end up with dry cracking knuckles and THAT is no fun! 

One of my favorite combos for this is castor oil with patchouli added which is included in the following 'recipe'.  Keep this rollon right by the sink so you can use it immediately after washing! Be sure to apply it right before bed too because then it will have longer to absorb since you don't wash your hands as often in the night! BTW, taking YL's Omegagize supplement is a great idea as well. It will support your skin from the inside!

Be sure to share the love by gifting one of these to teachers, friends, and even your mail carrier! 

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